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Aussies prove confident with their investments despite market sell-offs

The results of a recent poll conducted by social investment network eToro showed that the majority of those surveyed chose to hold investments or to buy the dip.

  • 64% of participants chose not to change their investments and 28% chose to buy the dip during recent pullbacks.

  • Rising inflation was the top reported concern among retail investors

According to Ben Laidler, Global Market Strategist at eToro, “Despite a barrage of setbacks across global financial markets, retail investors in Australia and around the globe have found the strength to look past the short-term volatility and use these drops in prices to bolster their portfolios for the long term.”.

The results were from the latest “Retail Investor Beat”, a quarterly poll conducted by social investment network eToro, which surveys 10,000 retail investors across 14 countries, including 1,000 in Australia.

Click here to read more about eToro's Retail Investor Beat poll findings.


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